How to Make Sure That You Choose Your Soil Carefully for Your Landscaping Project

If you have a major landscaping task ahead of you, you will be on the lookout for the right type and quantity of soil. If your project is going to be successful in the long run, this is one of the most critical aspects of the entire job. What do you need to know, so that you only select the right type of healthy soil and look after it as you go?

Buying Fresh

One of the main points to bear in mind is that you should only buy topsoil that is fresh and new. It's not a good idea to purchase this in bulk and store it somewhere nearby until you are ready to use it. Remember, the soil is an active organism and will interact with any turf or plantings if they are introduced to it, as soon as it is spread. Otherwise, it is likely to dry out and start to repel water. Some of the valuable microbes within will die off and it simply won't be fit for the purpose.

Natural Layering

You should never compact soil with specific machinery, in the mistaken belief that this will be somehow better. It's very important for both water and air to be able to pass through the structure of the soil as it sits so that the organic matter within can break down successfully and provide the proper nutrition. This nutrition needs to pass all the way through to the roots beneath and the process is vital if your plants are going to grow properly.

Ongoing Maintenance

You will also need to feed the soil from time to time if it is going to maintain its potency. This is because the soil will have only a specific amount of nutrients and certain trace elements that are critical for proper plant growth when it is first spread. The plants will eat up these nutrients and if you're going to get sturdy and predictable growth, you will need to add certain fertilisers as time goes on. In fact, you need to do this several times during the peak growing season and also at least once during the winter, when most growth is dormant.

How Much Do You Want?

Finally, you may wonder how much soil you actually need. This will be dependent on the structure of the ground beneath, how hard it is and whether it can be turned over for productive planting. This can vary considerably, as some locations will be quite fertile, while others may be almost all rock.

Calculating Your Needs

To determine how much soil you need and also to get further advice on how to care for it, get in touch with your soil suppliers for advice.
